Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Colour is your Life?

Paint brush in rainbow colours
Sometime ago I was driving on a major road in Nigeria when I spotted a billboard advert by SAMSUNG advertising one of their range of mobile phones called CORBY. The phone comes in four different colours to give their customers extended choice. The poser of that advert was: what colour is your life? As I drove on I began to ponder on how people would answer that question. It occurred to me that to answer that question one would have to determine the source or cause of colour and the reasons there are different colours?

With a little study I discovered that: ‘colour is a physical phenomenon of light associated with various wavelengths in the visible portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum’. The most important part of this definition that I would like us to take note of is that COLOUR IS A PHENOMENON OF LIGHT; that is, light is the source of colour OR colour is an effect of light. This means that the perception of colour is based on the ‘activities’ of light. Relating that to humans therefore, to know what ‘colour’ a life is we must determine the ‘Force’ or ‘Source’ driving that life. As Christians we know that we are born of God through Jesus Christ and so therefore God is our source. What this means is that we are supposed to be a phenomenon of God, but are we?

God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. 1 Jh 1:5
The scripture says that God is light and this means that every Christian is expected to be a phenomenon of God. When people see us they should see God. On a higher pedestal, as opposed to natural sun-light that shines externally on objects, the light that we have is inside of us. In 1 Jh 5:11-12 the bible states that God has given us his Life and that happened when we received Jesus, consequently we have the Light inside of us because the bible says that Life is the Light of men (Jh 1:4). The beauty of this is that while God is our defining entity we in turn should be the defining entity of the world. No wonder the scripture refers to us as the light of the world (Matt 5:14). The original intention of God is for Christians to be the driving force on the earth till we take over every sphere, realm and space.

The unfortunate thing however is that many Christians are not being the driving force of their sphere of influence and this is partly due to the fact that the light in many has become darkness. Jesus warned us against this in Luke 11:34-36 saying we should take heed so that the light in us does not become darkness. But how can light become darkness? The description of physical ‘white light’ gives us some insight: ‘White light is composed of electro-magnetic vibrations. If the intensity of these vibrations is strong, the light is white; if it is not, the light is grey and if it is non-existent, the light is black or dark. In the same way, when the activity of God in our lives is substantial (that is, our interaction with him is consistently robust), we are able to shine and express our Christ-likeness but when it is otherwise, we have no light to shine.

This is how it should be: God, who is our life, defines us through our fellowship with him while we in turn define the world around us. The bible says that God has shone in our hearts his light so that even while in this body we can shine the knowledge of the glory of God through our relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4: 6-7).

For every Christian, the answer to the question of this discourse should be Christ. The colour of our life is Christ because he is the one who defines our life. Men should see us and know that we are born of God, that is, we are a phenomenon of Christ. Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. Weldone brother, i bless God for your life. The write up is inspiring. More power and more anointing. I love this.
