Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BETTER HALF? What half?

 By Damilola Whenu

Psalm 139:13- 15 - Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God--you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! worship in adoration--what a creation!
 You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. (msg version).

I was at a church programme some time ago, and at the interactive session I was referred to as my fiancé’s better half. I was amazed because I thought church folks knew better. This very short scene got me thinking and asking questions. And I discovered many people both male and female see themselves as incomplete, not good enough or not fit on their own.

Gen1:27- So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

When God created you, he took his time to make a creature that was perfect. His Word says, He created both male and female to be like Himself. When God formed woman out of man, he did not make a half-being. He created one that was not lacking in anything, who had all necessary qualities and abilities for what she was sent to do.  You are just PERFECT for the role he has made you for.
Many people have gotten into friendships and romantic relationships because they think they are filling up a void. Some even think they are not good enough for the other person and that the person would complement their deficiencies. This kind of mindset allows for insecurity, low self esteem, mistrust in relationships and makes people suspicious of their partner. It is a terrible mindset which is a lie. You are not incomplete.  

Another bible version of the opening scripture states that; ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made….’ Can you imagine that! How can you look down on yourself and think you are not good enough for a guy or a lady. We need to understand that God is an excellent sculptor and the master planner. He has placed everything we need to be outstanding in each and everyone of us.  It is our responsibility to work out that which was put in us, make it valuable and evident to all.

 You are not anybody’s ‘half’ or ‘better half’ or “worse half” and I’m saying that corking both of my index fingers. It’s the devil’s lie. We have to live above that misconception. The devil has used that to break up many thriving relationships and in other situations both parties are not enjoying the affair. It is not a good place to be.  When you think and act like that, you are indirectly telling God that He did not do His job very well.
God has created and formed you that way for a particular reason. Search yourself and build on your strong points.  In your singleness or individuality, you are superb and excellent. Your being in a relationship with another person is to achieve something greater. I mean it!!!  Ecclesiastes 4:9 says that ‘two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labour. It says two are better, not that it’s the only way to fulfill purpose. In your singleness you are complete and in that relationship you are also complete.


  1. This is so true... we must all watch out!

  2. Ose jare! Thanks a lot, a truth all MUST cling to. Married, in a love relationship or single, WE ARE COMPLETE IN CHRIST!
